Real Ways To Make Money From Home 2020

Posted By admin On 31/07/22

So you’re looking for ways to make money from home Cool, join the crowd! Thanks to a genius invention called the internet, global citizens are discovering more and more creative ways to. Upwork is among the real money earning sites that gives you the quintessential tools to earn money from home in the quickest and easiest way possible. Be it website development, creative writing, sales, marketing, or accounting etc., the platform gives you the space and network to grow your technical skills like a true pro.

  1. Earn Real Money From Home
  2. Make Money From Home Real
  3. Make More Money 2020
  4. Real Ways To Make Money From Home 2020 Sweepstakes
  5. Real Way To Make Money From Home

There are myriads of ways you can make money from home these days, be it making some quick cash or building a sustainable long-term income source. The only limiting factor is your creativity and the amount of time and effort you’re willing to put in.

Easy ways to make money from home. The section to start with if you’re looking to make some extra money from home each month. You won’t pay the rent with the ideas on this list, but they’re low-risk ways to bring in extra cash fast. Best online, freelance, independent contractor, and full-time remote jobs from home. Online teaching is growing thanks to the advancements in technology, and it’s an excellent way to make money at home if you have teaching experience or knowledge of a specific subject. I interviewed Amy who earns $26 per hour with Magic Ears, see how to get started and pass the interview here. If you want to make it with MLM, you need to get some network marketing training, or you simply won’t make it. As in any MLM business. 3 things to keep in mind BEFORE joining any MLM. Multilevel marketing is one of the hardest businesses to run, but it is one of the real ways to make money from home without investing more than $70.

Earn Real Money From Home

DISCLAIMER: There are no get rich quick schemes on the internet or anywhere for that matter, that are actually legal and work. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is, so be wary.

That said, here is a list of 15 legitimate ways you can make money from the comfort of your home.

1. Strart a Blog

This is still one of the most popular “work from home” ideas, one that has stood the test of time. Despite the growing popularity of video based content, a vast majority (77%) of internet users read blogs regularly. Unlike some of the other options on this list, you may not see immediate gains. It takes time and effort to build your blog’s reputation before you can consider monetizing. That said, it is still one of the best options to build a steady revenue stream. Blogs make money primarily by selling ads, promoting products or through affiliate marketing.

Start by picking a niche or a topic to blog about depending on your interests or expertise. You can blog about something you’re passionate about or something you’re good at. You can also use your blog to sell products or services online. Although it may feel like everything has already been said, you can still engage readers by publishing good content. Promote your blog on social media platforms and other avenues to increase it’s reach. Once you garner a steady audience base, you can monetize your blog.

You can get web hosting and a free domain from platforms such as Bluehost for as low as $3.95 and set up a professional looking WordPress blog in a matter of minutes.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing means promoting the products or services of an online retailer like say Amazon. Whenever the retailer makes a sale as a result of your promotion, you earn a commission. You can promote the retailer’s products or services on a blog, YouTube channel, social media sites and so on.

This is more of sub-category, since it requires a platform for you to actually promote such products or services. Done right, this is one of the best ways of generating a passive income. After the initial set up it can continue making you money without any intervention. You can choose from a host of reliable and profitable affiliate marketing programs online and start promoting their products.

There’s more than one way you can earn a commission:

  • Pay per sale: You get a percentage when a sale is made.
  • Pay per lead: You get compensated when you direct traffic to the retailer’s website and say sign up for a newsletter or download software
  • Pay per click: You get paid every time someone visits the retailer’s website using your promotion link

Amazon associates, ShareASale and Solvid are some of the most popular affiliate Marketing programs.


3. Freelancing

Freelancing let’s you earn by completing a project for service seekers through online platforms. Depending on your skills and experience, you can do anything ranging from programming and marketing to video editing and graphic design. You can also take up relatively simple tasks like doing voice overs, that are not too technically demanding. Freelancer, PeoplePerHour, Fiverr and Upwork are one of the many freelancing websites you can choose from.

Start by setting up your profile on one of the freelancing platforms. Based on your skills, you can then choose from hundreds of jobs on the platform and start bidding. Make sure your submission is convincing enough to persuade the buyer to choose your offer. Once you get the job firm up all the details regarding the project and the buyer’s requirements beforehand to avoid any let downs later on.

You will usually be paid on a per-project basis after completing each project. Always aim for a five star rating since this will increase your profile’s reputation, making it easier to find more projects.

With an extensive online market, freelancing can be a very reliable passive income source if you are willing to put in the time and effort.

4. Take online surveys

Another way you can get paid is by taking online surveys or testing products and giving feedback. While some websites pay you others may offer free products or gift vouchers. There are many sites that pay you for taking surveys and an equal number that scam you into giving out your personal information. Make sure you only use legitimate platforms.

Some popular survey websites are Inbox Dollars, Swagbucks, Prize Rebel and Survey Junkie.

5. Review music

Imagine making money during your morning jogs or workout routines, listening to some tunes. Some websites offer up-and-coming artists a platform to showcase their skills. The artists are usually required to pay a nominal fee to have their music feature on the website. In return the websites draws in millions of first time listeners by paying them.

Real Ways To Make Money From Home 2020

There are many websites that pay people to listen to and review music. All you need to do is sign up and start listening. You’re usually paid on a per track basis and the amount may vary depending on the number of tracks you listen to or the overall quality of your review. Here are a few such sites: Musicxray,, RadioEarn

6. Test websites

How many websites do you visit every day? You’ve probably noticed that while lot of them are be well-designed and easy to navigate, some of them may not be as good and result in a poor browsing experience. To avoid just that, webmasters and websites developers offer up beta versions of their websites on testing platforms to get feedback from end users like you and me. The testing platform then pays the end user for their feedback.

All you need is a computer and an internet connection. You will be asked to test websites and give feedback based on your experience. There are numerous website testing platforms that pay you. Some of them are UserTesting, TryMyUI, TestingTime and Enroll.

7. Become a Virtual assistant

A virtual assistant typically offers services similar to a conventional assistant like scheduling appointments, making travel arrangements, answering emails and so on. Bonus points if you good at social media marketing or blog writing since these can make your profile stand out, opening up more opportunities.

As opposed to a conventional assistant and a virtual assistant a has the luxury of working from home or outside a client’s office. You can set up profiles on freelance job sites like Fiverr and Upwork to find jobs. The money varies with the nature of the job and the number of hours you would be required to put in.

8. Online Tutoring

If you are you an expert in a particular field or are good at a particular skill, you can earn money as an online tutor.

You can become an online tutor on sites like Udemy and Skillshare after satisfying certain minimum requirements in terms of quality. You will be required to create a structured course on a particular subject, that is interactive and easy to follow. Beginner’s courses are the most popular among first time tutors, since you will only be required to impart a relatively rudimentary level of knowledge, as opposed to, say an advanced course. Listed below are the top 3 instructors on Udemy and their earnings to give you some motivation.

  • Rob Percival has nearly 120,000 students and exceeded $2.8 million in total earnings.
  • Victor Bastos has more than 52,000 students with his courses, which have earned nearly $900,000.
  • Alun Hill’s courses have nearly 47,000 students and have earned about $650,000.

Make Money From Home Real

9. Review products

Although this may be more of a sub-category or a niche, it deserves a place of it’s own on this list due to the variety of platforms and avenues you can use to review products and the amount of money you can earn doing so. You can review products on your blog or by vlogging on platforms like YouTube.

The product review space is one of the highest paying long-term income sources online. Long-term because it will take time to make a name for yourself and gain credibility. This is one of the most profitable niches, ideal for affiliate marketing and product promotion.

‘Product reviews’ are also one of the most saturated categories on YouTube and other platforms alike. So you’ll have to get creative and establish your own style in order to stand out and engage your target audience. Find your own voice, so to speak.

Make More Money 2020

Make sure your reviews are unbiased, honest and of good quality, so earn audience’s trust and keep them coming back for more. Once you gain popularity brands may also offer sponsor your videos or blog posts for getting the word out on their latest products and reviewing them.

10. Data Entry

Data entry gets a bad rep primarily because there are tons of scams on shady platforms, seeking to prey on unsuspecting job-seekers. These scams mostly involve convincing the applicant to pay some amount of money in order to get the job. As with everything else on this list, steer clear of any job offers that require you to pay in order to get them. Also know that your average data entry jobs do not fall under the “high-paying jobs” category, so if you see an offer that seems too good to be true double-check to make sure it’s the real deal before jumping in.

A data entry job typically will require you to enter data into a computer to digitize it. Most of these jobs involve digitizing ‘on-paper’ entries or paper-based records into databases. There are so many platforms that offer data entry projects like Upwork and Craigslist. You may also find jobs by doing a google search for “data entry jobs”, if all else fails.

These jobs can be easily handled from home with just a laptop and an internet connection. The amount of money you can make depends on how much time you can spare and how quickly you can enter information so you can move on to the next job. Good typing skills help.

Real Ways To Make Money From Home 2020 Sweepstakes

11. Amazon Mturk

As defined by Amazon, MTurk is a marketplace for the completion of virtual tasks that require human intelligence. Human intelligence tasks or HITs is what Amazon calls these. These HITs or jobs are time-based, meaning there is literally a stop watch that starts as soon as you accept a job and you need to finish it before the timer runs, no pressure !

Real Way To Make Money From Home

However these tasks are for the most part simple and allotted reasonable time limits for completion. This also ensures you don’t waste time on one task, especially if you’re a procrastinator like me 😐

Typical tasks include transcribing audio recordings, identifying objects in images or videos, researching data details, rating search results for relevant keywords, categorizing articles, text translation from one language to another and so on. You can usually find something suitable for your skill set and start accepting jobs.

Jobs on MTurk possibly have the lowest hourly rates of all the fixed-rate jobs on this list, averaging at around $2/hour. Although some Alpha-Turkers as they like to call themselves have managed to consistently make up to $1000 per month using browser extensions and software optimization.

12. Telemarketing

In order to qualify for this work from home job, all you need is a telephone, some basic communication skills and an above average tolerance for rejection.

If you are a telemarketer, people readily assume that you work for some shady outfit that’s trying to scam people. You will have get used to dealing with rude customers and getting hung up on 40 times a day without let it affect how you speak to other customers.

But the upside is that there is no set up cost and you usually get to set your own hours. It requires almost no experience. The pay is pretty decent for an entry-level job with no minimum experience requirement.

There are so many companies that prefer to outsource cold calling or customer service calls to agents or third parties. Most of these companies pay per hour while some of them offer commission or incentive-based returns based on your performance. You can choose from a long list of legitimate job offers from sites like and and start earning.

13. Watch videos/ Play games

You gotta love the internet. There really are sites that pay you to watch movie previews, video playlists or to take survey and play games. Some of these sites offer gift cards in return while others credit cash to your PayPal account. The earnings may vary depending on video type and length. You may be asked a few screener questions to be able to qualify for certain surveys. Based on your geographic location some sites may have a restriction on gigs or on membership all together. Here’s a list of few such websites: InboxDollars, Swagbucks, Mypoints.

These last 2 categories are slightly riskier than the rest, considering the fact that you will first have to invest money into them to see returns, if any. So, don’t let anyone force you into it, do your research and proceed with caution !

14. Invest in the Stock Market

Stock market investing can make or break your finances depending on how you approach it. As with any investment, since you’re putting your own money into this, there is always a risk involved. This risk can however be minimized through thorough market research.

Always do your own research before investing. Don’t buy a stock just because Warren Buffet has the same stock in his portfolio or because it is familiar to you, while expecting quick gains. Stock best thought of as buy and hold type assets, wherein you buy after thorough market research and stay invested for the long term.

Short term day trading is generally not recommended if you’re new to investing in stocks, since you really need to be in tune with the latest market developments and world events and how they affect the stock you own.

If you’d like to test your skills as a stock trader, without the risk, you can use the stock simulator on Investopedia. This way you can get your basics right before you actually start investing.

15. Trade Cryotocurrencies

Make sure you check the legality of buying and trading cryptocurrencies in your country before exploring this option.


Just like stocks you can day trade Cryptocurrencies, where in you buy and and sell after a short span of time when the price appreciates. You can also invest in cloud mining companies which mine cryptocurrencies, where in you get a share of the revenue generated depending on the amount you invested. Be very careful when considering this option since a lot of scams have popped up all over the internet

But for most people investing in cryptocurrencies in the broad sense means purchasing the currency in exchange for actual money, hoping it will appreciate in value in the future. But be wary, there is no concrete factor or a performance index that regulates the price, just pure market sentiment. This means that it is extremely volatile with potentially heavy fluctuations in price. Bitcoin and Etherium are some of the most popular cryptocurrencies.